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Reiki Usui is a healing method created by the Japanese Mikao Usui, in 1922. Mikao Usui discovered Reiki as the cosmic energy of the highest dimension and taught that people who heal through Reiki energy are actually a simple channel through which this energy passes and reaches the patient.


As we know, healing through energy and hands has always existed. Although Mikao Usui was not the first to use the laying of hands, he was the one who channeled the Divine information to discover and create the method, after an arduous retreat in the mountains that he did alone for 21 days. He dry fasted the entire time (no food or water), which allowed him to reach a state of such enlightenment that he received all the information to develop this technique.


                                                         REIKI OBJECTIVES


With Reiki you will align the energy of your entire system, as well as each chakra (energy centers in your body where energies converge and pass through) with that of the universal Source of Love, of which we are all a part. You are therefore attuned to a vibration of HEALTH, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.


Each energy center -chakra- is linked to a specific function in your body and in your life, for which it is of utmost importance that they are open in their perfect measure and functioning correctly. If they are too open, if they are closed, if they are clogged, if they are running, etc., all this will influence the way you treat yourself, the way you behave in life, the way you are with other people or even if you continue to carry patterns inherited from past generations, plus many other characteristics, because these centers keep all your information and are connected to your transgenerational memories, wounds of your current life, emotions lived and your whole mind.


That is why if you want to progress in life with respect to different objectives whether material or emotional, transcend old perspectives that hold you back or free yourself from burdens, it is so important to clean them, activate them and let them work in balance.



For this, I work on:

Removing dense energies in order to cleanse your subtle bodies.

Unblocking the stagnant energetic flow so that it circulates freely, making your physical body function better and allowing you to be more in the here and now.
Charge each energetic center with new high vibrational information, establishing in your field new forms, patterns and visions that are in tune with health, wellness and peace.
Channel the energy of your guides, spiritual masters, angels, ancestors and beings of Light who are there to assist you. For them to bring you with their energy what each part of your body needs.



Since this technique became known worldwide, over time different branches and versions of Reiki have emerged. Although I was trained in the traditional Usui Reiki technique, I always like to create. Therefore, I combine this traditional technique with my own knowledge of other tools that I have learned, to make the experience one with my personal touch. What remains constant is the work on the 7 main chakras. In addition:


  • I use CRYSTALS around and over the body (different crystal serve different chakras)


  • I invoke the energy of the ARCHANGELS. Just as there are 7 main chakras, there are also 7 archangel rays and each one functions with a specific chakra. Depending on the energetic center that you would like to work, there is an Archangel that I will invoke for healing.


  • Revering the power of plants, I cleanse your body with the SMOKE of a bouquet of medicinal herbs before starting, to cleanse the energy and thus be more open.


  • Continuing with the electromagnetic waves of healing, sound is fundamental to add to the frequencies of high vibration of the room and your Being. I use MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS with specific frequencies so that you feel the effects in your body and your vibrational state.


  • In my particular case, I consider our POST-SESSION CHAT to be an important part of the therapy. This is where you can share with me what you felt, saw, heard, where you went, or if you maintained your presence in this plane without perceiving extra dimensional sensations. Everything is valid and one experience is not better or worse that the other. They all correspond with what your soul needs to experience and your dimensional journey happens whether you perceive it or not. In our chat, after hearing you, I give you my assessment of what I saw, heard, felt, and any other information I received for you. Again, it’s not the transcendental experience from movies that we search for. It is the gift to receive the Universal Energy from the same Divine Fountain to your cells and all of your body that is transcendental.




Mikao Usui conceived of the Reiki technique not as a mere physical healing with the laying of hands, but as a philosophy of life to follow, which would lead to happiness and help his students in their own development. He gave great importance to leading a quiet life and the practice of meditation. One of the maxims of Reiki is if our mind is healthy then our body will heal. Continuing with this teacher’s thought, I agree that no matter how many Reiki sessions or therapies you receive, the important thing is that your actions for change are not just about getting a quick result, answers or a spiritual experience. The real results are achieved when after an energy session, you put into practice the relevant changes that must be made to really clean up what is happening in your bodies (physical, mental, emotional) and then lead a lifestyle that goes hand in hand to this.






  •  This technique and healing by laying of hands do the same, regardless of whether you believe in it or not. However, the more OPENNESS and faith you have, the deeper you can go into the experience for yourself.


  • If you feel any DISCOMFORT, PAIN OR STRANGE SENSATIONS in or around your body during the session, it is normal. In case it persists or bothers you a lot you can always let me know, but remember that energy is moving on scales that we do not imagine and therefore there may be uncomfortable rearrangements that our physical body must tolerate. So, breathe and keep in mind that it may happen. Nothing is permanent. Take it easy and with your intention you can help calm down.


  • The less you can be in the mind and control, the more you will allow the powerful energy to do what it has to do. It has its own intelligence and knows where to go, what to remove and what to add. Let it flow and go from head to heart to FEEL.


  • For whatever manifestation or expression that you need to externalize, this is the right time to RELEASE. It is best to allow any reaction (snot, cough, laughter, crying, screaming, sleep, etc.). This indicates that something is moving and getting out. Without judgments or censorship, you are in a safe place.






“ My Reiki experience with Fany was life changing!


During, I felt the energies pass through my physical body, stopping at areas to spin, tingle or vibrate before moving on.


These sensations alone made me feel tremendous peace,

a sense of balance, more rooted and in total union with everyone around me.


Now I feel that the internal tensions that I had been maintaining on a daily basis are just a memory.


This was all amazing, but the really deep part for me

was when Fanny shared the information that was downloaded to her during our session.

Things that no one could know!


Feelings and events that I had repressed, talents that I had to share

with others and passions that I needed to explore again. She saw the real me and revealed it!

in a way that I could not only understand, but also make use of life! Excellent!!”


Peter – USA

My proposal
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